FD60 Fire Doors | Fire Doors | Fireproof Doors

Our fire doors play a vital role in fire safety, providing protection against the spread of fire and smoke. FD60 doors are constructed using materials that have been tested and certified to withstand fire conditions for up to 60 minutes, including high temperatures and flames, while maintaining their structural integrity. Available as both internal and external fire doors, our FD60 fire doors are crucial components in building safety, as they compartmentalise spaces and prevent the rapid spread of fire, allowing occupants more time to evacuate and emergency responders more time to control the situation. These doors are commonly used in commercial, residential, and industrial settings, and their installation and maintenance are subject to strict regulations and standards to ensure their effectiveness in enhancing fire safety.

FD60 Fire Doors | Fire Doors | Fireproof Doors

What is an FD60 Fire Door

An FD60 fire door is designed and built to prevent the spread and growth of fires for up to 60 minutes. These could be vital minutes to escape a building on fire. Our fire-rated doors have been thoroughly tested to ensure they can control the spread of a fire for up to 60 minutes. We have internal and external fire doors, in a range of styles and colours, ensuring not only is your building protected from fires, but your door can also blend in with the rest of your building design.

Why use FD60 Fire Doors

60-minute fire doors have been engineered to withstand heat and fire and to slow the spread from the source of the fire. This will increase fire protection within your premises, giving people more time to exit safely. Preventing the fire from growing will also reduce damage to your property, whilst you are waiting for the fire service to arrive. Available in a variety of fire door colours and styles, our selection of FD60 fire doors provides the ultimate protection, without ruining the room’s aesthetics.

When do I need an FD60 fire Door?

FD60 fire doors offer a higher level of fire safety compared to FD30 doors as they can prevent the growth of a fire for up to an hour. This can make them perfectly suited to a larger building with more occupants, where more time may be needed for everybody to evacuate safely. For example, a multi-storey office building. It is also important to consider how fast fire services will be able to get to your building, if you think the wait time may be longer, FD60 fire doors may be a better option for you.