Welcome to Our New Training Facility at Security Direct

Welcome to Our New Training Facility at Security Direct

We are thrilled to announce the opening of our brand-new training facility at Security Direct. This state-of-the-art facility showcases our most popular products and serves as both a comprehensive training center and an impressive showroom. Designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of our team and provide unparalleled support to our customers, this facility is a significant step forward in our commitment to excellence.

Training Room - Security Direct

Features of Our Training Facility:

Comprehensive Product Training

Our training facility is equipped with all of our top-selling products, providing a hands-on experience that is crucial for mastering their features and functionalities. This setup is invaluable for our team, enabling them to gain in-depth knowledge and confidently assist customers with any technical questions or issues.


Customer Training and Support

We believe in empowering our customers with the knowledge they need to make the most of our products. Our training facility is open to customers for in-person training sessions. Whether you need to train your engineers or get a thorough understanding of a product, our experts are here to help.

Remote Assistance and Virtual Demos

For customers who cannot visit us in person, we offer a range of remote support services:

  • Virtual Product Demonstrations: Interested in seeing a product in action before making a purchase? Schedule a virtual demo with our team to explore the features and benefits of our products from the comfort of your own office.

  • Online Technical Support: Facing an issue with one of our products? Our team can provide real-time technical support via video calls, guiding you through troubleshooting steps and resolving problems efficiently.

Online Technical Support

We understand that sometimes issues need immediate attention. Our online technical support service allows us to assist you promptly. Via video, our experts can walk you through the issue, offering solutions and advice to get you back on track without delay.

GFA Technical Training

Visit Us or Connect Remotely

We invite you to take advantage of our new training facility, whether in person or virtually. Enhance your understanding, resolve issues quickly, and make informed decisions with the support of our knowledgeable team.

For more information or to schedule a training session, virtual demo, or technical support call, please contact us.

Join us at Security Direct and experience the benefits of our new training facility today!