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Securing Your Home After A Break In

14th March 2017

Getting burgled can be hard to move on from. It’s not just the loss of your stuff, as a lot of things can easily be replaced; it’s also the emotional damage that it leaves behind. A burglary can leave you feeling lost and vulnerable, as well as unsafe in your own home. Whilst it’s definitely a frightening experience that can take a while to move on from, it is important to try and do so.

Taking the steps towards moving forward is the first step to recovering – and we want to help you do so.

Although an obvious reaction to discovering you’ve been broken into, it’s actually something that a lot of people decide not to do. Many say that they don’t see the point in contacting the police, as the burglar is probably long gone and therefore there is no chance of catching them. Please don’t think like this! Calling the police is essential and should be the first thing that you do. This is so they can file a report which will not only help them find the thief, it will also help you immensely when claiming on your insurance.

You should make a list of everything that has been taken – just remember to avoid touching anything until the police have been round.

Once you have an incident report number from the police, you should call your insurance company. This is best done sooner rather than later and they will need as much information as possible so process your claim. Although it might be the last thing you are thinking of, it’s something that definitely needs doing.

House in order

Once the police have all the information they need, they will give you the permission to start tidying and cleaning up your home. Whether this is picking things up off the floor or boarding up windows until you can get them fixed, keeping busy will help keep your mind off what has happened. It might not seem like it, but the sooner your home starts to look normal again, the easier it is to start to move on.

Secure your home

The most important step after a break-in is to secure your home ASAP. Did you have any security before? Was it not working? Since a lot of burglars enter through the front door, you should secure your door, add security shutters to french doors and consider window security grilles – there are lots of brilliant options available. We also suggest motion sensors in your garden that trigger lights when someone enters – these will often deter criminals.

Emotional side

As we said earlier, it’s often the emotional repercussions of a break in that stay with people a lot longer than missing items. It’s completely normal to feel scared, angry and vulnerable. You shouldn’t be afraid to speak to your loved ones about what you are feeling – they will understand. If you live alone, get someone to come and stay with you for a while. Experiencing a break-in isn’t good but you can take steps to avoid it happening again. The best thing you can do is to secure your home. High quality security will not only stop your house from being broken into, it will also deter burglars from even trying.

See our range of Roller Shutters, Security Grilles, and Steel Security Doors , whatever your requirements our specialist staff can help you find the right security solution for you.

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